If, said he, by the word sense we were to understand opinion and judgment, and by the word common, the generality, or any considerable part of mankind, it would be hard to discover where the subject of common sense could lie; for that which was according to the sense of one part of mankind, was against the sense of another:
salvatore ferragamo outletand if the majority were to determine common sense, it would change as often as men changed. That in religion, common sense was as hard to determine as catholic or orthodox. What to one was absurdity, to another was demonstration. " In policy, if plain British or Dutch sense were right, Turkish and French must certainly be wrong. And as mere nonsense, as passire obedience seemed, we found it to be the common sense of a great party amongst ourselves, a greater part in Europe, and perhaps the greatest part of all the world besides. As for morals, the difference was still wider; for even the philosophers could never agree in one and the same system. And some even of our most admired modern philosophers had fairly told us, that virtue and vice had no other law or measure than mere fashion and vogue."
salvatore ferragamo shoesThis js-tfie substance of the gentlemans speech, which, I apprehend, ex¬plains the meaning of the word perfectly, and contains all that has becu, or can be said against the authority of common sense, and the propriety of appeals to it. As there is no mention of any answer immediately made to this spcecli. we might be apt to conclude, that the noble author adopted the sentiments of the intelligent gentleman, whose speech he recites
ferragamo sale. But the contrary is manifest, from tne title of Sensus Communis given to his Essay, from his frequent use of the word, and from the whole tenor of the Essay.