Beats by Dre studio of September 847

had captured them. Whitman perceived the gathering storm but thought it could be averted. Thomas McKay warned him that it was unsafe to live longer with the Cay- uses, and the Doctor offered to sell the projerty to him, an offer wdiich McKay agreed to accept if he could dispose of his claim on the Willamette. With this in view Whitman went to The Dalles i. Beats by Dre headphonesn the fall of 847, and purchased the disused Methodist mission there, and leaving his nephew, P. B. Whitman, in charge he returned to Waiilatpu to sijend the winter, preparatory to moving away in the sjjring. This was the condition of affairs at Waiilatpu when the Catholics decided to . Beats by Dre pro headphones take advantage of the desire of a number of the Cayuses to embrace their faith and estab- lish a mission among them. On the fifth of September, 847, Father A. M. A. Blanchet reached Walla Walla with three associate priests, and the fort became their headqua. Dre beats solo pro headphones cheap Beats by Dre sale rters for a. number of weeks while they were seeking a suitable place for a permanent location. Whitman found them there upon his return from The Dalles, and quite a stormy interview ensued, though it nuist be confessed that the storming was chiefly OREGON. 57 iloue . Beats Dr Dre headphones monster by the Doetur; aiul no woiukT. He had just made aiTaiigements to abandon all he had accomplished by eleven years of self-denial and labor, and here he found those to whom he attributed his misfortunes ready to take his place even before he had left it. He did not hesitate to tell them his opinion of their conduct, and the complaisant manner in which they received his complaint aggravated him the more. Immigrants from the States in the fall of that year brought with them the dysen- tery and measles, which soon became epidemic among the Cayuses. Many Indians died in spite of the remedies administered by the Do