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among the tribe, especially since they knew of a somewhat similar case a few years before, when an American purposely spread small- pox among the Blackfeet and killed hundreds of that tribe. Without knowing the perfidious conduct of Joe Lewis, who was employed about the mission, Dr. Whitman perceived the signs of danger, and asked Thomas McKay to spend the winter with him, as that gentleman's influence with the natives was great; but Mr. McKay was un- able to . True Religion Outlet jeans comply. On the twenty-seventh of November, two days before the massacre, the Catholics established their mission on the Umatilla, forty miles from Waiilatpu and near the home of Five Crows, the head chief.

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had captured them. Whitman perceived the gathering storm but thought it could be averted. Thomas McKay warned him that it was unsafe to live longer with the Cay- uses, and the Doctor offered to sell the projerty to him, an offer wdiich McKay agreed to accept if he could dispose of his claim on the Willamette. With this in view Whitman went to The Dalles i. Beats by Dre headphonesn the fall of 847, and purchased the disused Methodist mission there, and leaving his nephew, P. B. Whitman, in charge he returned to Waiilatpu to sijend the winter, preparatory to moving away in the sjjring. This was the condition of affairs at Waiilatpu when the Catholics decided to .
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