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of a lifetime, with centuries at the back of that, in an hour, as a snake would shed its skin." 4. But if a missionary policy suited to the times needs to adjust itself to the diversified temperament and varying con- dition of the ethnic mind, it must keep equally in view the one aim of. True Religion Outlet jeans all missionary effort, which is primarily and chiefly not to educate nor to civilize, but to evangelize and save the people. Slowly missionary organizations of every Rev. Henry Haigh, Missionary in Madras. True Religion jeans Outlet , 212 Ecce Clerus denomination are waking up to the fact that the time and money heretofore expended on education other than the elementary training of the children of avowed converts are worse than wasted, inasmuc. true religion cheap jeans online h as such education actually furnishes aid and comfort to the enemy and puts into his hand a weapon which is often used with deadly effect against Christianity itself. Writing from. True Religion Jeans the Government House, Calcutta, a well-known member of the British House of Commons, a leading Baptist in the city of Liverpool, and a generous supporter of Christian missions, the Right Hon. W. S. Caine, says : " . True Religion Outlet Jeans free shipping It is a melancholy fact that, although the powerful and wealthy missionary organization of India has borne a large share in the Western education of the natives, the number of young men educated by them who become Christians is almost an imperceptible fraction. The work which missionaries are doing in the way of education is be- yond praise, viewed as education work simply ; but, so far as turning the young men they educate into Christians is concerned, their failure is complete and unmistakable. "I have seen no better college in India than the vigorous institution founded at Lahore by the American Presbyterian Mission ; a