Fibroids are firm tumors which usually develop in the wall of the uterus. They are extremely common, affecting between 50 and 80% of women of reproductive age and the vast majority are completely harmless. These tumors are made up of fibrous tissue, hence the name fibroid tumour. The size varies, and sometimes, they can be so small that one would have to see them through a microscope. That is one extreme. Hormonal imbalance plays a major role in the formation of fibroid tumors although the real cause is still unknown. Most of the time, fibroids occur as multiple tumor masses which are slow-growing and often cause no symptoms.
Your lifestyle, diet and stress levels are all closely linked with the development of fibroid tumors. There are many potential causes of fibroids, including what we eat, lack of rest and sleep, not enough exercise, along with hereditary factors. The second symptom is pain in the pelvis. When the tumors grow they can cause pressure that can lead to constantly needing to urinate, constipation, abdominal pain, and more. If these symptoms are interfering with your life you should consider fibroids tumors treatment. Some of the most common symptoms include chronic pain, abnormal or heavy bleeding, increased menstrual cramp and as the fibroid develops in size, women will experience swelling in the abdomen.
One type of surgery to remove fibroid tumors is called Myomectomy. This option removes each tumor separately without harming the uterus. In most cases the tumors are removed through the stomach, but in a few cases they have been removed through the vagina. Although fibroid tumors are usually harmless, there is a malignancy rate between 0.1 and 0.2%. 3-12% of fibroid tumors are regarded as the foremost cause of infertility since they can block the fallopian tube. The conventional treatment is surgery. There are various options which may be made available and these will depend largely on your age, the condition and size of the fibroids and whether or not you wish to have children.
Women with fibroids find that they are generally harmless and non-symptomatic. Nevertheless, a few show a number of symptoms. They sometimes have periods that may last 8 days or longer. If frequent or heavy bleeding occurs during periods, high blood loss can result in an anemic condition. Though fibroid tumors are mostly non-malignant or not cancerous by nature, they may cause dull to severe pain in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness, lower back pain, pain during menstruation, heavy menstrual flow, pain during intercourse and a lot more discomforts. Aside from pain, one can also experience a pressure on the lower abdomen or bladder. Tumors prompt you to urinate often and this is the main reason why the pressure is felt.
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Fibroid tumors can make sexual intercourse very complicated due to immense pain and post-intercourse bleeding. They can greatly threaten pregnancy. They can also cause heavy and frequent menstrual periods, in addition to lethargy and fatigue and weakness. Another popular fibroid tumor treatment is a hysterectomy in which the surgeon removes the entire uterus. This is the best option for those with severe tumors or suffering with intense complications from having the tumors within the uterus.
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