The weight of the baby, is ultimately affect its ranking, ranking buyers find you no baby, no one asked. Sellers buyers of service attitude is a score for customer service. Customer service is very important in the marketing chain, better customer service attitude, customer service features you want to baby, characteristics, use, features a detailed understanding of customer service on the baby for very detailed questions can be resolved in the shortest time buyers. Customer Service staff to explain as clearly as possible detailed buyer can determine the baby if he wants, if he wanted to he would buy in your home, your baby this score will be high. If customer service staff know about baby's not detailed enough and solve questions buyers, buyers will not buy yours. A baby no one has bought, its weight would be lower, there will be no ranking of baby titles to write well is no longer used. Taobao's ranking is now selling baby high rankings the better score, the better, baby sells less scoring lower ranked worse. Seller shipping speed buyer on the seller shipped speed rating. When sellers are on hand, buyers took baby after payment you can write express single, Taobao tap above the ship. Taobao click shipment buyer will get the message "seller
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s has already been shipped", buyers will think of your delivery speed is very fast, your baby, and that score will be higher. If there is no cash, the seller must ship within the commitment of time. If the undertaking to ship within 5, can be shipped in 3 days must not be dragged to the 5th day, buyers receiving faster, your baby this higher score. Selected an evaluation when you choose express courier services much better, so that buyers received the goods faster, this score is also good for baby. Look at the above, hoping to
offer you some help. Baby title is indeed very important, but other factors must not be ignored, Taobao shop you the allocation of weights, it is through the identification of many factors, such as services, this factor is one of them. This year, Taobao has added a new factor to determine the weight of the baby, I do not know if you have any concerns, it is a "refund." Taobao will monitor buyers refund buyers within the seller how long after confirmation refund, refunds faster Taobao found service attitude is good, service attitude is good baby weights higher
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weights, shop on high. Slow refund Taobao found poor attitude, poor attitude of baby weight low, shop weight low. Okay, now nor as early as today wrote here, hope I can help you. What's wrong with you QQ contact me later, or leave me a message here, I will reply to you within the shortest possible time How to Taobao natural search optimization? Access to quality traffic!