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Philip Melancthon and myself have justly deserved, at God's hands, as Michael Kors Hamilton much riches in this world as any one cardinal possesses; for we have done more in his business than a hun¬dred cardinals. But God says unto us: Be ye contented that ye have me. When we have him, then have we also the purse; for although we had the purse and had not God, so had we nothing. God said to Ezekiel: " Thou son of man, Nebuchadnezzar caused his army to serve a great service against Tyre, yet he had Michael Kors Bedford no wages; what shall I give him? I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar, that shall be his Michael Kors Jet Set wages." So plays God with great kingdoms, taking them from one, and giving them to another. At the imperial diet, at Augsburg, certain Michael Kors Outlet princes there ^poke in praise of the riches and advantages of their respec¬tive principalities. The prince elector of Saxony said: He had, in his country, store of silver mines, which brought him great revenues. The prince elector palatine extolled his -vineyards on the Rhine. When it became the turn of Eber- hard, prince of Wirtemberg, he said: " I am, indeed, but a Michael Kors Outlet Online poor prince, and not to Michael Kors Outlet Store be compared with either of you; yet, nevertheless, I have also in my country a rich and precious jewel; namely, that if at any time Michael Kors Handbags Outlet I should ride astray in my country, and were left all alone in the fields, yet I could safely and securely sleep in the bosom of any one of my sub¬jects, who all, for my service, are ready to venture body, goods, and blood." And, indeed, his people esteemed him as a pater patricB. When the other two princes heard this, they confessed that, in truth, his was the most rich and precious jewel.