mercury pollution residues in milk safety threshold value should

Fruit and potatoes. Exception is not equal to the excess and poisoning, in Hong Kong, for example, food that Yun Tibetan maximum allowable concentrations of mercury 0.5ppm (1ppm=1mg/kg), we can think of, is less than this value, which trx training boston is basically safe. This reminds us of on "Mercury" measurement standard, on the current situation, whether domestic or foreign, on mercury testing standards there is a shortage, in particular criteria for detection of mercury content of milk powder, not only exist different standards at home and abroad, even internally, there are conflicting. Mercury detection of movement is based on the country now from 2010, published by the Ministry of the limits of contaminants in food (draft for soliciting opinions). Exposure draft provisions, mercury limit indicator in canned food supplements in infants of 0.02 mg/kg, and trx training sf provision of food raw material limits according to the edible part of the conversion. While China in 2005 to develop and implement national standards for contaminants in food limited GB2762-2005, establishes the limits of heavy metals in food, the maximum limit for mercury in fresh milk in 0.01 (mg/kg), if calculated in accordance with this provision, press 8 times times the concentration in fresh milk milk production after mercury content will reach about 0.08mg/kg. In addition, the United States defined by the Environmental Protection Department 's, is safe intake of 0.1 μg per day g/kg weight (MercuryregulationintheUnitedStates). If the baby is more or less a daily intake of 10kg weight conversion safety level of 0.01 mg; if calculated on a daily consumption of formula milk powder 100 trx exercise system grams, mercury pollution residues in milk safety threshold value should be 0.1mg/kg. This is far in the testing standard of China, China's testing standards to be far more stringent in United States, and FAO/WHO foods add a joint expert Commission (JECFA) from 1988 to recommend provisional maximum intake of methyl mercury standard, there is no change today. It is worth people thinking about the problem. Course, EU has legislation requirements