Texture and shine: Walk into Richcraft's Stillwater townhome model in Kanata and you'll find the decor sparse but not without interest, featuring a mixture of texture and shine. Take the light fixture over the kitchen island ¡ª a chrome and glass
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crystal tube that adds sparkle and interest to the all-white kitchen. Similar fixtures can be found at Zone, 471 Sussex Dr. or Home Depot .
What is the reason for these restrictions? Are the already-limited decorations we can have going to be life-threatening if they see the light of November? Are people who plan to celebrate Halloween the following weekend inherently wrong for doing so?
We all know someone ¡ª it may even be yourself ¡ª who has most, if not all of their holiday shopping done months before the first decoration goes up. And I'm sure we all know someone else who will be furiously scavenging the shopping malls on Christmas Eve.
Along with its annual garage sale, the haunted house is the single biggest fundraiser for Sundance Haven. The travel club is funded entirely by these two events, whereas the bulk of
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the home's activities are covered by their partnership with the Native Coordinating Council and the Ministry of Social Services.
Even though the decoration may have been intended only to convey death, the fact that it portrays a hanging could help feed stereotypes that mental illness and people who grapple with it are scary or somehow dangerous, Cunningham said.
When Parker's mother, Yvonne Charlton Olson, was reaching the end of her life, Parker brought her from the assisted care facility where she had been living to Parker's home to die. In the article she explains, "As an active participant in the homebirth movement ... as well as a lay birth midwife for several years, it seemed a natural and obvious progression that when faced with my mother's death I would want to care for her at home. Birth and death are similar transitions through the very same door: one is an entering, the other an exit."
Senoglu mentioned that one of the most helpful things a home funeral guide can do is to facilitate a preplanning conversation: "While it might seem unusual to have a stranger at your table for such private matters, some families need help in asking the hard questions and selecting choices from possible options. Some families are able to take the ball from there; others will want more direct support."
Derek Lebaron, a seventh-grader at Jim Hill Middle School, decorated his cake with a spider web. Teen Services librarian Pam Carswell said Derek has gotten really good at art over the years and
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it showed in his cake decoration.
"I bribe them with a lot of food," said Carswell, who said food is a frequent addition to teen events at the library. "They're hungry."
Carswell also enjoys introducing kids to new books they might enjoy. Parents or kids might not want to risk buying a book they aren't sure they will like, but the library allows them to sample different genres without taking a financial risk, said Carswell.
"A beautiful set of crisp white soft sheets will give a bed an instant lift, and the comfort and texture can help you drift off more comfortably too."
For Meng Fanxing, 67, it will be his first warm winter in nearly 20 years thanks to the local government's Warm House project, a program that provides heating to elderly residents.
Meng and his wife have lived in the community for 17 years but were forced to suffer freezing temperatures because their apartment building is too old to keep warm in winter. Meng complained that he had to wear a sweater at home because the indoor temperature is about 18 C.
Premier Wen Jiabao said at the start of the year that people's livelihoods are the top priority. "We should enable people to share the benefit of development, and promote social equity and justice," he said in
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calling for effective measures to improve livelihoods.
I have four recipes to share with you this week. They cover all the bases for having pumpkins highlighted on your
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menu no matter what kind of food mood you are in.