Another elderly gentlewoman, for the refreshment of her memory, against melancholy, is resolved to be buried in her wedding smocks
Burberry outlet; and she has seven of them, that shall ride one upon tother. The last exclaims against it as downright idolatry: that shell as soon sacrifice her children to Moloch, as suffer them to be swaddled up in such Welsh abomina¬tions : that it is all a Popish device; a Jesuitical trick, only to make us do pennance after we are dead. These affecting arguments, and the zeal they inspired, toge¬ther with the aggravating insinuations of the burnt wine, so
Burberry Sale overpowered their spirits, and threw them into such a maudlin condition, that, between weeping and sleeping, they were forced to be led, reeling and staggering under the weight of their oppressions, home to their respective dwellings. A Collection of certain Horrid Murthers in several Counties of Ireland, committed since the 23d of October, 1641. Abstracted out of certain Examinations, taken by vertue of several Commissions under the Great Seal of Ireland. Printed for Henry Brome. This Collection of more cruel and inhuman mur¬ders, in that grand Massacre of the Protestants in Ire¬land, than the most savage brutes could have been guilty of, seems to be authentickly extracted, out of the voluminous Records, remaining in the Clerk of the Councils hands in Dublin. The Earl of Essex,
Burberry Salewhen Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, did peruse them himself, and compare many of them with the origi- nals; finding all that he compared to be true. If any doubt, they may have recourse to the books themselves; which, being publick remembrances, may be seen by any;