After spending your money on a pair of these very desirable must have item of footwear, now you need to know how you are going to look after them.
One of the best things to remember to ensure that your
ugg boots uk are kept in a good condition is not to wear them in extremely wet weather or in the snow. These boots have not been designed for extreme wet conditions, rather they have been designed to keep people's feet warm.
Please do wash your
cheap fake ugg boots for sale by hand only with cold water, and never put them in a washing machine or use hot water as this will cause damage to the boots. Plus by putting your boots in a washing machine you can cause permanent damage to the sheepskin.
Next you must remember never to put your boots in to a dryer,in front of a heat source (radiator or fire) and a final precaution do not place them in direct sunlight. What you should do instead if you wish to ensure that no damage is caused and to help the boots keep their shape then fill them with paper towels. Once you have filled them with the towels, allow them to dry naturally and remember keep them away from any heat source.