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British Colonial ShippingBoard.’ I lied myself blue in the face to create a new legal theory. Sovereignhonors had been rendered Mike; that was fact, the world had seen it. Butsovereign honors may be rendered to a sovereign . . . or to a sovereign’salter ego, his viceroy or ambassador. So I asserted that Mike was nocardboard sovereign under a silly human precedent not in point-but in awfulfact the ambassador of the great Martian nation!“Jubal sighed. .Sheer bluff ... and I was scared silly that I would be required toprove my claims. But I was staking my bluff on my hope and strong belief thatothers-Douglas, and in particular, Kung-would be no more certain of the factsthan was I.“ Jubal looked around him. .But I ventured to risk that bluffbecause you three were sitting with us, were Mike’s water brethren. If youthree sat by and did not challenge my lies, then Mike must be accepted asthe Martian equivalent of ambassador- and the Larkin Decision was a deadissue.“.I hope it is,“ Captain van Tromp said soberly, .but I did not take yourstatements as lies, Jubal; I took them as simple truth.“.Eh? But I assure you they were not. I was spinning fancy words,extemporizing.“.No matter. Inspiration or deduction-I think you told the truth.“ The skipper ofthe Champion hesitated. .Except that I would not call Mike an ambassador-Ithink he’s an expeditionary force.“Caxton’s jaw dropped. Harshaw did not dispute him but answered with equalsoberness. .In what way, sir?“Van Tromp said, .I’ll amend that. It would be better to say that I think he’s ascout for an expeditionary force, reconnoitering us for his Martian masters. Itis even possible that they are in telepathic contact with him at all times, thathe doesn’t even need to report b Adidas factory outlet
.ack. I don’t know- but I do know that, aftervisiting Mars, I find such ideas much easier to swallow . . . and I know this: 銆€銆€everybody seems to take it for granted that, finding a human being on Mars,we would of course bring him home and that he would be anxious to comehome. Nothing could be further from the truth. Eh, Sven?“.Mike hated the idea,“ agreed Nelson. .We couldn’t even get close to him atfirst; he was afraid of us. Then he was ordered to go back with us and fromthen on he did exactly what we told him to do. He behaved like a soldiercarrying out with perfect discipline orders that scared him silly.“.Just a moment,“ Caxton protested. .Captain, even so-Mars attack us? Mars? 銆€銆€You know more about these things than I do, but wouldn’t that be about likeus attacking Jupiter? I mean to say, we have about two and a half times thesurface gravity that Mars has, just as Jupiter has about two and a half timesour surface gravity. Somewhat analogous differences, each way, onpressure, temperature, atmosphere, and so forth. We couldn’t stay alive onJupiter . . . and I don’t see how Martians could stand our conditions. Isn’t thattrue?“.Close enough,“ admitted van Tromp. Adidas originals australia
銆€銆€.Then tell me why we should attack Jupiter? Or Mars attack us?“.Mmm ... Ben, have you seen any of the proposals to attempt a beachhead on Jupiter?“.Yes, but- Well, nothing has ever gotten beyond the dream stage. Itisn’t practical.“.Space flight wasn’t practical less than a century ago. Go back in the filesand see what your own colleagues said about it-oh, say about 1940. TheseJupiter proposals are, at best, no farther than drawing board-but theengineers working on them are quite serious. They think that, by using allthat we’ve learned from deep ocean exploration, plus equipping men withpowered suits in which to float, it should be possible to put human beings onJupiter. And don’t think for a moment that the Martians are any less cleverthan we are. You should see their cities.“.Uh-. said Caxton. .Okay, I’ll shut up. I still don’t see why they wouldbother.“.Captain?“.Yes, Jubal?“.I see another objection-a cultural one. You know the rough division ofcultures into .Apollonian’ and .Dionysian.’“.I know in general what you mean.“.Well, it seems to me that even the Zuni culture would be called .Dionysian’ 銆€銆€on Mars. Of course, you’ve been there and I haven’t-but I’ve been talkingsteadily with Mike. That boy was raised in an extremely Apollonian cultureandsuch cultures are not aggressive.“.Mmm ... I see your point-but I wouldn’t count on it.“Mahmoud said suddenly, .Skipper, there’s strong evidence to support Jubal’sconclusion. You can analyse a culture from its language, every time -andthere isn’t any Martian word for .war.’“ He stopped and looked puzzled. .Atleast, I don’t think there is. Nor any word for