nemo234's blog

healthy banana muffin recipe

Banana health benefits blog. If you love to cook, there is nothing wrong if you try this cheese banana muffin recipe in a holiday. With materials readily available and easy to make cake that you will indulge tongue loved ones with this delicious healthy snacks nan. Moreover, eaten with hot tea or coffee, well you will get a perfect weekend. The idea is not large spotless rooms?

The Benefits of a Banana Peel

Banana peel benefits. Banana skins often make people fall slipping when stepped on, so it is considered as the most annoying trash. When in fact the banana peel has a variety of benefits, ranging from warts to polish shoes. One such benefit is ever written detikHealth purify water. According to a study in the journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, banana peels can filter out heavy metals, especially lead (Pb) and copper (Cu). In that study, banana peels are used unmodified but just chopped up into small pieces and put in water polluted ayng.

Simple Banana Muffins Recipes

Banana health benefits blog - Bananas are known as one of the fruits that contain carbohydrates, vitamins B-6, potassium and fats. In addition, bananas are also known as the fruit is loaded with nutrients. The following 2 types of banana muffin recipe that offers another way to enjoy bananas rather than the conventional way. Bananas it can also be used as a basis for making a crunchy snack muffin.

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