How to Restore the Color of Uggs

1) Moisten the entire surface of the boot evenly and lightly with a cold water sponge. Do not immerse the entire ugg boots discount into the water or it will damage the boot's lining and affect the boot's shape. 2) Mix a solution of 1/2 cleaner and conditioner and 1/2 water. Apply a small amount of the solution to a clean, wet sponge. Do not apply the solution directly to your cheap ugg boots or you will damage the sheepskin. 3) Rub the solution on your boot with the sponge gently and evenly until it foams. Cover the entire boot with this solution. Scrubbing will help remove the dirt, grime and salt that are causing your boot to lose color. Follow up immediately with a clean sponge dipped in water to rinse the boot of the cleaning solution and dirt. 4) Stuff the boots with paper towels or newspaper to help the cheap uggs hold their shape and place the boots away from direct heat or sunlight to dry. Allow the boots to dry naturally and completely, which may take at least 24 hours. 5) Brush the Uggs with a suede brush once they are finished drying. Gently brush them in one direction only. Brushing will help remove any remaining dirt and salt caught in the sheepskin and help restore texture and color.